Work Experience

Freelancer, XR Unity Developer

01/2017 - 11/2019

Since January of 2017 till the end of 2019, I worked as a freelancer in the Netherlands, mainly in the field of Unity XR development. However, other media related services (such as Photo- and Videography, Webdesign, etc...) were done by me too. 

Twinsense 360, Internship
As XR Unity 3D Developer

03/2017 - 05/2017

Within the internship at Twinsense 360, I worked on many Unity projects. Most of them have been mobile developments, that were XR related. Tools I used: Unity, Vuforia, SteamVR, Autodesk Maya & 3ds Max, Adobe CS, MS Office, etc...

EPHOSYS, Internship
As C/C++ Developer

10/2013 - 12/2013

After I was done with Highschool, I wanted to prepare for a computer science study, by learning to code with the languages C and C++. At the company I worked on a project with an absolute high end computer for real time video stiching and buffering for an array of mobile cameras. For coding I used MS Visual Studio and Borland by Embarcadero Technologies. 

LCS Labordatensysteme, Internship
As Webdesigner

04/2011 - 05/2011

As one of my choice internships in school, I was allowed to go to a technical company. Here I had my first contact with webdesign. I used the tool Drupal.


University of Twente
Creative Technology
Bachelor of Science

09/2014 - 02/2019

The Creative Technology study at the University of Twente, is a broad study, that equipes the student with a big variety of skills of mainly the digital domain. We prototyped a lot digital, as well as analogue. Every half semester (10 weeks) a student project was finished a new one was started. To be specialized in a field a CreaTe student has to decide on it. For me it is Virtual and Augmented Reality I am focusing on.  

University of Applied Sciences
HfT - Stuttgart
Computer Science

02/2014 - 07/2014

After Highschool I did study Computer Science for half a year, in order to bridge the time period between school and Creative Technology study. Furthermore it was a great kickstart of my coding skills.

Rudolph Steiner School Ludwigsburg
School & Highschool

2000 - 2013

The Rudolph Steiner School of Ludwigsburg, is a private school, that focuses a bit more on art and music . I decided on these four main subjects for my final exams: Mathematics, Art, German and English. Side subjects have been: Music, History, Biology, Chemnistry and Russian






Java & JavaScript




Adobe Creative Suite



Premiere Pro


After Effects





Autodesk 3ds Max, Maya


Bootstrap Studio


Processing, Arduino


Contact Info

Born in 1994
Robin Dario Schmidt
+49 1578 579 9087